Did some media miss reporting on an accident in Southern California involving hundreds despite an on-scene account that “those who were not already dead from their injuries or lack of oxygen suffocated on the pavement,” asks Grumpy Editor.
Hold the phone.
Get rewrite.
But it turned out the deceased sprawled on the pavement in Irvine were --- fish.
Saltwater bass, to be exact, headed for market.
The obituary report on the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) website also noted:
“Because fish feel pain, value their lives and don't want to die, just like human beings, PETA has requested that Irvine allow us to place a sign at the accident site in their memory.”
The Oct. 11 incident involved a container truck with 1,600 pounds of live fish in a three-vehicle accident.
None of the humans in the accident was seriously injured.
PETA’s website report on the event also mentioned, “Fish are intelligent animals who have impressive long-term memories and develop complex social structures. They use tools, tell time, count, and enjoy singing. “
A spokesman for the city of Irvine said there will be no fish memorial.
Nothing was mentioned about a tribute to the clock-watching musical bass chorus.