News media, which usually have no problem estimating a figure on attendance at noteworthy gatherings --- from sports to political --- were all over the place in putting a number on those attending Glenn Beck’s non-political “Restoring Honor” event Saturday in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., notes Grumpy Editor.
Images, including an Associated Press high shot of attendees extending from the Lincoln Memorial to nearly a mile at the opposite end of the reflecting pool, showed packed standing room on both sides.
Yet, CBS News came up with the vastly low attendance figure of 87,000.
Others referred to “tens of thousands.”
Beck placed the number “at least 500,000.”
The radio talk show host and Fox News commentator added, “The high estimate I have heard is a million. I don't personally believe that. It could be as high as 650,000, maybe 700,000 but I think the number is probably closer to 500,000 to 600,000.”
On his TV program yesterday, Beck said the “God and honor” gathering was the sixth largest in size at that location.
An interesting and timely happening that occurred moments before the event got under way was a flyover (captured by a camera) by a flock of geese in perfect V-formation at a rather low altitude over the length of the reflecting pool --- then continuing on their flight path.
In a jab at some media, Beck declared, “In my opinion, they have proven themselves to be so untrustworthy and so out of touch that it's really not even worth reviewing.”
While former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was a speaker (and not mentioned in some coverage), some news outlets wrongly reported that House member Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.) was set to speak, along with former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, now chairman of FreedomWorks which recruits, educates, trains and mobilizes volunteers to fight for less government, lower taxes, and more freedom.
Perhaps more accuracy in news reporting should be added to that list.